Announcing Our Next Partner’s Program Event: “Grease” the Musical!
At C. Curtis Financial Group not all Client-Advisor meetings are “work” related. Every quarter, we put together an evening of entertainment just to say thank-you to our loyal clients that have introduced us to a friend, relative, co-worker or family member. These events are strictly for FUN! No business, no sales pitch, no strategies discussed.
Announcing our third quarter event! We have acquired a Suite on the Loge Level of the Fox for “Grease” the broadway musical for December 4th 2010. Included with the Suite is a buffet dinner before the show with dessert at intermission.
All that’s needed to qualify for this event is to set up ONE introduction (This could be done through a seminar or appointment), so hurry to ensure your spot. The capacity for this event is limited. We hope to see you there!
Hurry! The deadline to qualify for this Partners Program event is October 31st 2010. Remember, all you need is one referral to make sure you don’t miss the show!